Nano Materials

Biomedical Nanotechnology

Quanto Nano is performing cutting edge research and development as innovator in the medical field by leveraging proprietary nanoparticles and formulation solutions. This strategic positioning will allow Quanto Nano to collaborate with established pharmaceutical companies to address critical medical challenges, including anti-dementia, anti-cellulitis, anti-diabetes, skin healing, eczema treatment, natural antibiotics, and natural stimulants for libido enhancement and erectile dysfunction. Please find below a brief outline of Nano’s positioning strategy, highlighting the use of nanotechnology and the potential benefits in the specific area of medical application.

Quanto Nano

Anti-Dementia Solutions

Utilization of Nanoparticles

Quanto Nano will employ specialized nanoparticles to enhance drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier, facilitating the targeted delivery of anti-dementia medications. This approach can improve treatment efficacy and reduce side effects.
Quanto Nano Zeolite Nanoparticles?
Zeolites are a group of crystalline materials composed primarily of silicon, aluminum, and oxygen, forming a framework with pores and channels. These pores are uniformly sized, making zeolites highly efficient at trapping and releasing molecules – a property that’s gold dust in drug delivery.
Design Features for Drug Delivery
Zeolites are like mini mazes with precisely sized tunnels. This unique structure allows for selective absorption of drug molecules. By choosing the right zeolite structure, scientists can control which molecules get absorbed and later released. Send Inquiry
To enhance compatibility with biological systems and targeted delivery, the surface of zeolite nanoparticles can be modified with various functional groups. This customization allows zeolites to carry drugs specifically to targeted cells or tissues, reducing the potential for off-target effects. Send Inquiry
The key advantage here is the ability to control the release of the drug. Once the zeolite nanoparticles reach their target, they can release their payload gradually. This controlled release is crucial for maintaining optimal drug levels in the body over time. Send Inquiry
Zeolites protect sensitive drug molecules from degrading in the body before they reach their target. This stability is especially crucial for drugs that are easily broken down or have limited stability in the bloodstream. Send Inquiry
Application in Brain Drug Delivery
For delivering drugs to the brain, such as in the treatment of dementia or Alzheimer’s, zeolites offer several advantages:
By fine-tuning the size and surface properties of these nanoparticles, scientists aim to enhance their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, a critical challenge in treating neurological conditions. Send Inquiry
With surface modifications, zeolite nanoparticles can be designed to target specific types of brain cells or regions affected by diseases like Alzheimer's, increasing the treatment's effectiveness while minimizing side effects. Send Inquiry
The Cutting Edge of Research
Current research is pushing the boundaries in the design of zeolite nanoparticles for drug delivery. Innovations include developing more biocompatible surface modifications, improving targeting mechanisms, and exploring new ways to load and release drugs more effectively. This research is multidisciplinary, combining materials science, chemistry, biology, and pharmaceutical sciences to tailor these nanoparticles for specific therapeutic needs.
In essence, zeolite nanoparticles represent a sophisticated and highly promising tool in the realm of drug delivery, particularly for challenging targets like the brain. Their customizable nature and unique structural properties open up new avenues for treating diseases that were previously difficult to manage with traditional drug delivery methods. The ongoing research and development in this field continue to unveil new possibilities and improvements, making this an exciting area to watch in the near future.
Integrating essential oils and other natural biological materials like coconut fat, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, and cocoa extracts into the drug delivery matrix, particularly in the context of treating neurological conditions like dementia, is a vibrant area of research. Let’s explore how each of these components can contribute to the overall effectiveness of such treatments.
Essential Oils
Rosemary Oil

Known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, rosemary oil contains compounds like rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. These compounds can help protect neural cells from oxidative stress, a key factor in the progression of dementia.

Bay (Lorber) Oil

This oil has compounds that may support neuronal health. It's thought to have antioxidant properties, which could help reduce brain inflammation and cell damage, potentially slowing the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.

Other Biological Materials
Coconut Fat

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut fat are converted into ketones by the liver. Ketones can serve as an alternative energy source for brain cells, which may be beneficial in conditions like Alzheimer's, where glucose metabolism is impaired.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

These fatty acids are crucial for maintaining the health of neuronal membranes. They play a role in reducing inflammation and are essential for brain health. DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, is particularly important for neural function and has been studied for its potential in improving cognitive health.

Cocoa Extracts

Rich in flavonoids, cocoa extracts have been shown to have neuroprotective properties. These compounds can improve blood flow to the brain and have antioxidant effects, which may be beneficial in slowing down the cognitive decline associated with dementia.

Integration in Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems
Incorporating these natural substances into a nanoparticle delivery system like those based on zeolites can potentially enhance their bioavailability and efficacy. For instance:

Essential oils or extracts can be encapsulated within nanoparticles, protecting them from degradation and ensuring they reach the targeted brain areas.

Synergistic Effects

Combining these natural substances with traditional medications might offer synergistic effects, potentially enhancing the overall therapeutic impact.

Controlled Release

Nanoparticles can provide a controlled release mechanism for these substances, maintaining therapeutic levels in the brain for prolonged periods.

Quanto Nano

Anti-Cellulitis Formulations

Utilization of Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles can be incorporated into topical formulations to improve the penetration of anti-cellulitis agents into the skin’s deeper layers. This can enhance the effectiveness of cellulitis treatments.
Incorporating nanoparticles into anti-cellulite formulations is a approach that significantly enhances the efficacy of various active ingredients, including natural biological substances. Let’s delve into how this technology, combined with components like mandarin oil, orange oil, rosemary oil, walnut leaf extract, and other bioactive materials, can create potent anti-cellulite treatments.
Nanoparticle-Enhanced Formulations
Deep Penetration

Nanoparticles act as tiny carriers, delivering active ingredients deeply into the skin layers where cellulite forms. This ensures that the ingredients are more effective in targeting the fat deposits and improving skin texture.

Controlled Release

They can provide a controlled release of active ingredients, maintaining their efficacy over time and reducing the frequency of application needed.

Improved Stability

Nanoparticles can protect sensitive ingredients from degradation, ensuring their potency and effectiveness are preserved.

Natural Biological Substances in Anti-Cellulite Formulations
Known for its ability to improve blood circulation and detoxify the skin. It's believed to help in breaking down fat deposits and smoothing the skin. Send Inquiry
Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, orange oil helps in collagen production, improving skin elasticity and firmness. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also reduce puffiness and swelling associated with cellulite. Send Inquiry
This oil has diuretic properties that can help to reduce fluid retention, a key factor in cellulite formation. It also stimulates blood circulation, enhancing skin renewal and firmness. Send Inquiry
Contains compounds that have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in toning the skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Send Inquiry
Additional Bioactive Materials for Anti-Cellulite Formulations

A popular ingredient in anti-cellulite products, caffeine dehydrates fat cells, temporarily diminishing the appearance of cellulite. It also improves blood flow, helping to firm and tighten the skin.


A form of vitamin A, retinol can improve skin texture and elasticity, making it appear smoother and less dimpled.

Green Tea Extract

Rich in antioxidants, it helps in reducing inflammation and can aid in the breakdown of fat.

Horse Chestnut Extract

Known for its ability to improve blood circulation and reduce fluid retention.

Ginger Extract

Stimulates circulation and has thermogenic properties, which can aid in the breakdown of fat.

Omega Fatty Acids

Found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, these acids help in strengthening the skin’s connective tissue, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Integration with Nanoparticles
By encapsulating these biological substances in nanoparticles, their penetration into the skin can be significantly enhanced. This not only increases their effectiveness but also ensures a sustained release, which can improve the overall results of the anti-cellulite treatment.
The Bigger Picture
The use of nanoparticles in anti-cellulite formulations represents a sophisticated approach to skin care, allowing for deeper penetration and increased efficacy of natural, bioactive ingredients. This not only helps in reducing the appearance of cellulite but also contributes to overall skin health, aiding in anti-aging and improved skin texture.

Quanto Nano

Anti-Diabetes Solutions

Utilization of Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles can be utilized to encapsulate insulin and other diabetes medications, enabling controlled release and reducing the need for frequent injections. This approach enhances patient compliance and glycemic control.
Combining nanoparticle technology with natural ingredients for diabetes treatment is an intriguing and emerging area of research. The idea is to harness the potential of natural substances alongside conventional treatments to improve diabetes management. Let’s explore some of the natural ingredients and extracts that are gaining attention in this context, including their combination with detox materials like zeolite.
Natural Ingredients and Extracts for Diabetes Treatment
Stevia Plant Extracts

Stevia is known for its natural sweetness without the glucose-raising effects of sugar, making it a popular sugar substitute for diabetics. Beyond its sweetening capability, some research suggests it may have insulin-stimulating and glucose-lowering properties.


Studies have shown that cinnamon can have a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels. It's thought to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar, which can be helpful for people with type 2 diabetes.

Bitter Melon

This is a traditional remedy known for its role in lowering blood sugar levels. Bitter melon contains compounds that act in a manner similar to insulin, helping in the transport of glucose into cells.


Fenugreek seeds are rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower blood sugar by slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.


Ginseng is known to enhance the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors, which can be beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels.

Integration with Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles can encapsulate these natural ingredients, enhancing their stability, bioavailability, and targeted delivery. For instance:
Nanoparticles can provide a controlled release of natural extracts, maintaining effective levels in the bloodstream for an extended period. Send Inquiry
By encapsulating these substances in nanoparticles, their absorption in the body can be improved, making them more effective. Send Inquiry
Nanoparticles can be engineered to target specific cells or tissues, such as pancreatic cells, improving the efficacy of the natural extracts. Send Inquiry
Detox Materials & Synergies

Known for its detoxifying properties, zeolite can help in removing heavy metals and toxins from the body, which might indirectly support diabetes management. The theory is that reducing the body's toxic load can improve metabolic functions, including insulin sensitivity.

Synergistic Effects

Combining these natural ingredients with detox materials like zeolite in a nanoparticle-based delivery system could potentially offer a synergistic effect, enhancing the overall impact on diabetes management. This approach could.

Improve Efficacy

The combined effects of natural extracts and detox materials may enhance each other, leading to better glycemic control.

Reduce Side Effects

By precisely controlling the release and targeting of these substances, side effects can be minimized.

Quanto Nano

Skin Healing and Eczema Treatment

Utilization of Nanoparticles

Quanto Nano can develop nanoparticles with wound-healing properties, aiding in the treatment of skin injuries and eczema. These nanoparticles can accelerate tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation.
Incorporating nanoparticles into anti-cellulite formulations is a approach that significantly enhances the efficacy of various active ingredients, including natural biological substances. Let’s delve into how this technology, combined with components like mandarin oil, orange oil, rosemary oil, walnut leaf extract, and other bioactive materials, can create potent anti-cellulite treatments.
Nanomaterials for Skin Healing and Eczema Treatment
Nano Zinc Oxide (ZnO)

Nano ZnO is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial in treating skin conditions like eczema. It helps in soothing the skin and reducing irritation and redness.


Their ability to absorb toxins and release healing ions can be beneficial for skin health. Zeolites can help in reducing inflammation and promoting skin regeneration.

Calcium and Calcium Oxide (Ca and CaO)

These compounds play a critical role in skin regeneration and healing. They can promote the growth of new skin cells and help in the repair of damaged tissues.

Copper (Cu)

Copper nanoparticles have been shown to possess wound healing properties due to their ability to promote angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) and collagen synthesis, which are vital for skin repair.

Essential Oils and Butters as Carriers
Known for its moisturizing properties, shea butter is rich in fatty acids and vitamins. It helps in soothing dry skin, reducing inflammation, and is particularly beneficial for eczema-prone skin. Send Inquiry
This essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can help in soothing the skin, reducing redness and itching associated with eczema. Send Inquiry
Renowned for its calming and anti-inflammatory effects, lavender oil can be beneficial in reducing eczema flare-ups and promoting skin healing. Send Inquiry
Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, olive oil can help in moisturizing the skin and reducing the symptoms of eczema. Its anti-inflammatory properties also aid in skin repair. Send Inquiry
Integration in Nanoparticle Delivery Systems
Incorporating these substances into a nanoparticle delivery system can significantly enhance their skin healing properties:
Targeted Delivery

Nanoparticles can deliver these active ingredients directly to the affected skin areas, increasing their effectiveness.

Controlled Release

They can provide a controlled release of these substances, maintaining therapeutic levels over a longer period and reducing the frequency of application.

Enhanced Penetration

Nanoparticles can penetrate deeper skin layers, delivering therapeutic agents to where they are most needed.

Alkaline Water in Skin Healing
Incorporating the concept of alkaline water, particularly hydrogen-rich (H2) and hydroxide-rich (OH) reprogrammed water, into skin healing and eczema treatment can add another layer of complexity and potential benefits.
Hydrogen-Rich Water

H2-rich water is known for its antioxidant properties. These antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress, which is beneficial for skin health and can aid in the healing process.

Hydroxide-Rich Water

OH-rich water can help in balancing the skin's pH. For skin conditions like eczema, where the skin's natural pH balance is often disrupted, restoring pH balance can be beneficial in reducing inflammation and irritation.

Hydration and Detoxification:
Proper hydration is crucial for skin health. Alkaline water, with its enhanced hydration capabilities, can improve overall skin hydration, promoting healing and reducing dryness.
Nanoparticles: Silver and Gold
Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles

Silver nanoparticles have potent antimicrobial properties, making them useful in treating skin infections. They can also help in reducing inflammation and promoting wound healing.

Gold Nanoparticles

Gold is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In nanoparticle form, it can help in soothing the skin and reducing redness and itching, which are common symptoms of eczema.

Combination in Alkaline Water
The use of alkaline water, particularly when combined with silver and gold nanoparticles, represents a novel approach in skin care and treatment of skin conditions like eczema. It harnesses the unique properties of these elements to enhance skin healing, reduce inflammation, and provide antimicrobial protection and creates a unique dispersion that combines the benefits of both:
The alkaline environment can help in stabilizing these nanoparticles, ensuring they remain effective over time. Send Inquiry
The combination of silver and gold nanoparticles can provide a dual action of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which is beneficial for skin healing and treating conditions like eczema. Send Inquiry
The nanoparticles in alkaline water may penetrate the skin more effectively, delivering the therapeutic benefits directly to the affected areas. Send Inquiry
SiO2 Nanoparticles as Carriers
Integrating SiO2 (silicon dioxide) nanoparticles as carriers for the compounds in alkaline water, including silver and gold nanoparticles, adds an interesting dimension to the formulation for skin healing and eczema treatment. SiO2 nanoparticles have unique properties that can be leveraged in this context.
SiO2 nanoparticles can encapsulate active ingredients, providing stability and protection against degradation. This is especially useful for sensitive compounds in alkaline water, ensuring they retain their efficacy until they reach the target skin area. Send Inquiry
These nanoparticles can be engineered for controlled release. This means that the active ingredients, whether they are H2, OH, silver, or gold particles, can be released gradually over time, enhancing the treatment's effectiveness and duration. Send Inquiry
Due to their small size, SiO2 nanoparticles can penetrate deeper into the skin layers. This allows the therapeutic benefits of the alkaline water and its components to reach the areas most affected by conditions like eczema. Send Inquiry
Silicon dioxide is generally considered biocompatible and safe for use in topical applications, which is crucial for products designed for sensitive or damaged skin. Send Inquiry
Role in Alkaline Water-Based Formulations
When used in formulations containing alkaline water, silver, and gold nanoparticles:
SiO2 nanoparticles can carry both the alkaline compounds and metal nanoparticles effectively. This co-delivery system can maximize the therapeutic benefits of each component. Send Inquiry
By controlling the size and surface characteristics of SiO2 nanoparticles, it's possible to target them to specific areas of the skin, such as eczema patches, for more focused treatment. Send Inquiry
The combined properties of hydration, pH balance, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory actions can be more effectively utilized when delivered through SiO2 nanoparticles, potentially improving the overall efficacy of the treatment. Send Inquiry

Quanto Nano

Natural Antibiotics

Utilization of Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are employed in various combination to deliver natural antibiotics, such as plant-derived antimicrobial compounds, to target infections more effectively. This approach can combat antibiotic resistance and provide a natural alternative to common antibiotics.
Integrating nanoparticles with natural antimicrobials, including both traditional substances and more contemporary ones like cannabis-derived products and colloidal metals, offers a novel approach to combating infections. This integration aims to enhance the effectiveness of natural antibiotics while reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance.
Traditional Natural Antimicrobials

Known for its antimicrobial properties, cinnamon can be effective against a range of bacteria and fungi. Its active component, cinnamaldehyde, disrupts bacterial cell membranes.


Contains piperine, a compound that has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. It's particularly effective against certain bacterial strains.

Paprika (Hot)

Capsaicin, the active component in hot paprika, exhibits antimicrobial properties, especially against certain types of bacteria and fungi.


This is the main active compound in turmeric, known for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin also exhibits strong antimicrobial activity against a variety of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Its mechanism of action involves disrupting cell membranes, inhibiting cellular processes of pathogens, and modulating immune responses.

Turmeric Essential Oils

These oils contain compounds like turmerone and zingiberene, which also have antimicrobial properties. They work synergistically with curcumin to enhance its antimicrobial activity.

Integration with Nanoparticles
Natural compounds and essential oils can be effectively incorporated into nanoparticle-based delivery systems for several reasons:
Curcumin as example is poorly soluble in water, which limits its bioavailability. Nanoparticles can enhance its solubility, ensuring more effective delivery to the infection site. Send Inquiry
Nanoparticles can facilitate the penetration of curcumin and turmeric essential oils into tissues and cells, allowing them to reach and act on the pathogens more effectively. Send Inquiry
Nanoparticles can be engineered to target specific pathogens or infected tissues. They can also provide a controlled release of curcumin and essential oils, maintaining effective concentrations for longer periods. Send Inquiry
Synergistic Effects with Other Natural Antimicrobials
When used in combination with other natural antimicrobials like cinnamon, pepper, paprika, cannabis derivatives, and colloidal metals, curcumin can contribute to a broader antimicrobial spectrum and enhanced overall efficacy.
  • Cannabis Oils and Preparations: Cannabinoids like CBD and THC have shown antimicrobial properties. These compounds can act against a variety of pathogens, including some antibiotic-resistant strains.


  • Cannabis Supplements: These supplements, rich in cannabinoids, can potentially support the immune system and provide antimicrobial effects.


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  • Colloidal Silver: Silver nanoparticles are well-known for their broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. They can be effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and have been used in various medical applications.


  • Colloidal Gold: While less common than silver, gold nanoparticles also possess antimicrobial properties and can be used in similar applications.

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Nanoparticles can be engineered to target specific pathogens or infected tissues. They can also provide a controlled release of curcumin and essential oils, maintaining effective concentrations for longer periods. Send Inquiry
Integration with Nanoparticles
Combining these natural antimicrobials with nanoparticles can enhance their effectiveness:
Enhanced Penetration and Bioavailability

Nanoparticles can increase the penetration of these natural compounds into the cells or tissues where pathogens are present, enhancing their antimicrobial action.

Targeted Delivery

Nanoparticle carriers can be designed to target specific types of pathogens or infected areas, reducing the impact on beneficial microflora and minimizing side effects.

Controlled Release

These carriers can also provide a controlled release mechanism, maintaining effective antimicrobial concentrations for longer periods.

Reduced Resistance Development

Using natural antimicrobials in a targeted and controlled way can minimize the risk of bacteria developing resistance, a significant advantage over traditional antibiotics.

Quanto Nano

Natural Stimulants for Libido and Erectile Dysfunction

Utilization of Nanoparticles

Quanto Nano has develop ednanoparticle-based formulations for natural aphrodisiacs and stimulants. These nanoparticles can enhance the absorption of active ingredients, improving their effectiveness.
Incorporating nanoparticles into anti-cellulite formulations is a approach that significantly enhances the efficacy of various active ingredients, including natural biological substances. Let’s delve into how this technology, combined with components like mandarin oil, orange oil, rosemary oil, walnut leaf extract, and other bioactive materials, can create potent anti-cellulite treatments.
Unconventional Natural Stimulants
Bee Venom

Bee venom contains peptides like melittin and apamin, which have been studied for various health applications, including anti-inflammatory and circulatory benefits. These compounds could potentially enhance blood flow, a key factor in erectile function.

Mosquito Analgesic

While less studied, the analgesic compounds in mosquito saliva might have potential applications in enhancing sensory experiences. Their role in libido and sexual function would require significant research.

Poison Ivy

This might seem counterintuitive due to its irritant properties, but compounds in poison ivy could have unknown benefits when processed and formulated correctly. However, this area requires careful research due to the potential for skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Cactus and Similar Plants

Some cacti contain compounds that can influence blood flow and hormonal balance. For example, certain species have been used in traditional medicine for their aphrodisiac properties.


Quanto Nano’s strategic positioning in the medical field, utilizing proprietary nanoparticles and formulations, offers innovative solutions for addressing medical challenges in collaboration with established pharmaceutical companies. The logical use of nanotechnology in various medical applications provides opportunities for improved treatment efficacy, reduced side effects, and enhanced patient outcomes.

General References


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