Quanto Nano


Innovating Catalysis with Nanotechnology

At Quanto Nano, we specialize in the development of nano enhanced catalysts, leveraging the power of nanotechnology to innovate traditional catalytic processes. These catalysts, featuring nanoparticles as active components, aim to offer unparalleled efficiency, selectivity, and sustainability for superior performance compared to conventional catalysts.

Fundamentals of Nano Enhanced Catalysts

Nano enhanced catalysts are composed of nanoparticles that function as the active catalytic materials. These nanoparticles can be metals, metal oxides, or other nanomaterials, each chosen for their specific catalytic properties and are meticulously engineered for specific catalytic properties and applications.

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Key Characteristics:

Nanoparticles provide a significantly larger surface area, leading to more active sites for catalytic reactions. The extensive surface area of nanoparticles is a game-changer in catalysis. This feature dramatically increases the number of active sites available for chemical reactions. Essentially, more surface area means more places where reactants can interact with the catalyst, leading to a higher rate of reaction, which is crucial for applications like fuel cells, where reaction speed is vital. Send Inquiry
The smaller particle size enhances the reactivity of the catalysts. Nanoparticles exhibit enhanced reactivity due to their small size. This is partly due to the higher proportion of atoms on the surface compared to the bulk material. These surface atoms are less tightly bound and more reactive. Send Inquiry
Enhanced reactivity translates to faster catalytic processes, meaning that reactions that might take longer or require more energy with conventional catalysts can occur more swiftly and efficiently with nano catalysts. In hydrogenation reactions, palladium nanoparticles are highly reactive, facilitating quicker reaction times and thus increasing the overall efficiency of the process. Send Inquiry
Ability to tailor nanoparticles for specific reactions, improving selectivity and efficiency. The ability to tailor nanoparticles for specific reactions is a crucial aspect of their efficiency. By modifying the size, shape, and composition of nanoparticles, catalysts can be made highly selective for particular reactions.
This selectivity ensures that desired reactions occur preferentially, minimizing unwanted by-products and enhancing overall process efficiency. In the pharmaceutical industry, for instance, selective catalysis ensures the production of a specific drug compound without creating harmful or wasteful by-products, making the process more efficient both in terms of yield and environmental impact. Send Inquiry
At the nanoscale, quantum mechanical effects come into play, which can alter the electronic properties of the material and lead to unexpected and highly efficient catalytic behaviors. Send Inquiry
The ability to fine-tune the electronic and physical properties of nanoparticles, such as band gap and electron density, allows for the optimization of catalytic processes tailored to specific reactions, further enhancing efficiency Send Inquiry

Quanto Nano

Diverse Nanomaterials in Catalysis

  • Gold (Au): Effective for oxidation reactions and in fuel cells.
  • Silver (Ag): Used in oxidation and reduction reactions.
  • Palladium (Pd): Crucial in hydrogenation and C-C coupling reactions.
  • Platinum (Pt): Widely used in fuel cells and automotive catalytic converters.
  • Ruthenium (Ru):  Effective in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, hydrogenation reactions.
  • Rhodium (Rh):  Used in hydroformylation and nitrogen oxide reduction.
  • Cobalt (Co): Plays a role in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and hydroformylation.
  • Nickel (Ni):  Crucial for hydrogenation and methane reforming.
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  • Titanium Dioxide (TiO2): Used in photocatalysis and environmental applications.
  • Zinc Oxide (ZnO): Effective in photocatalytic degradation of pollutants.
  • Iron Oxide (Fe2O3, Fe3O4): Utilized in magnetically separable catalysts.
  • Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3): Offers support and increases the stability of other catalysts.
  • Copper Oxide (CuO, Cu2O): Used in oxidation reactions and photocatalysis.
  • Manganese Oxide (MnO, MnO2): Effective in oxidation reactions and in decomposing organic compounds.
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  • Ceria-Zirconia (CeZrO4): Offers thermal stability and oxygen storage capacity.
  • Perovskites (e.g., LaMnO3): Known for their versatility in various oxidative reactions.
  • Cobalt-Zinc Oxide (CoZnO): Utilized in alcohol synthesis and oxidation reactions.
  • Nickel-Cobalt Oxide (NiCo2O4):  Shows promise in electrocatalytic and photocatalytic applications.
  • Bismuth Vanadate (BiVO4):  Known for its photocatalytic activity, especially in water splitting.
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  • Quantum Dots: Used in photocatalytic applications due to unique electronic properties.
  • Cadmium Selenide (CdSe):  Used in photocatalytic applications, especially in hydrogen production.
  • Lead Sulfide (PbS):  Exhibits strong quantum dot properties, used in solar energy conversion.
  • Titanium Nitride (TiN): Known for its photocatalytic and antibacterial properties.
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  • Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs): Enhance catalyst support and electron transfer.
  • Graphene: Offers high surface area and conductivity.
  • Fullerenes: Exhibits unique properties for catalysis, especially in photochemical reactions.
  • Carbon Quantum Dots: Show potential in photocatalysis due to their tunable optical properties.
  • Activated Carbon: Used for adsorption and support in various catalytic reactions.
  • Graphene-Metal Oxide Composites: Enhance electron transfer and stability in photocatalysis.
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  • Pt-Au, Pd-Cu: Provide synergistic effects for improved catalytic activity.
  • Au-Ag (Gold-Silver): Exhibits enhanced catalytic activity in oxidation reactions.
  • Fe-Pt (Iron-Platinum): Used in magnetic catalysis and environmental applications.
  • Ni-Pd (Nickel-Palladium): Shows synergy in hydrogenation and reduction reactions.
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  • Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Offer high surface area and tunable porosity for catalysis.
  • Polymer-Based Nanocomposites: Combine polymers with nanoparticles for enhanced stability and specificity.
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Quanto Nano

Current Research and Development Focus


Developing eco-friendly and energy-efficient catalytic processes.


Ensuring that nanocatalysts can be produced at an industrial scale without losing efficiency.

Durability and Stability

Enhancing the lifetime and robustness of nanocatalysts under varying conditions.

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Applications of Nano Enhanced Catalysts

Chemical Industry

Used in the synthesis of various chemicals, nano enhanced catalysts improve yield and reduce unwanted by-products. Improved selectivity and yield in pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing.

Environmental Applications

Catalytic converters in vehicles use nanoparticles to reduce harmful emissions. Photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, water purification.

Energy Sector

In fuel cells, nano catalysts enhance the efficiency of energy conversion processes.

Quantum Size Effects

Exploiting quantum mechanical properties for novel catalytic behaviors.

Adjustable Electronic Properties

Tuning electronic configurations for specific reactions.


Synthesis of drugs becomes more efficient and environmentally friendly with nano catalysts.

Petrochemical Industry

Nano catalysts are crucial in refining processes, improving efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Quanto Nano

Synthesis and Design

Controlled Synthesis

Employing methods like chemical vapor deposition and sol-gel processes.

Design Flexibility

Engineering nanoparticles for optimal size, shape, and composition.

Plasma Deposition

Plasma Deposition also known as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), involves the use of plasma to facilitate chemical reactions on a substrate’s surface. The process creates a plasma of the reacting gases, which contains highly reactive species like ions and radicals. These reactive species interact with the substrate to form a thin film of the desired material.
Application in Nanocatalyst Synthesis

Plasma deposition is particularly useful for creating thin films of metal oxides or carbides, which are important in catalytic applications. The technique allows for the deposition of uniform, high-purity layers, essential for efficient catalytic reactions.


This method offers precise control over film thickness and composition, and can be conducted at lower temperatures compared to conventional CVD, making it suitable for a wider range of substrates.

Laser Beam Deposition

Laser beam deposition, also known as laser-induced chemical vapor deposition (LCVD), involves the use of a focused laser beam to induce chemical reactions that deposit a material on a substrate. The laser locally heats the substrate or the reactive gas, triggering the deposition of the material.
Application in Nanocatalyst Synthesis

This technique is well-suited for producing metallic nanoparticles and complex structures like nanowires or nanotubes. It offers precise control over the size and shape of the nanoparticles, which is crucial for tailoring their catalytic properties.


The main advantage of laser beam deposition is its high resolution and precision. It can produce extremely fine features and patterns, essential for designing catalysts with specific reactivity and selectivity.

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Integration with Traditional Methods

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

Continues to be a mainstay for synthesizing a variety of nanomaterials, including metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Its compatibility with plasma and laser-based methods enhances its utility.

Sol-Gel Process

This method is excellent for producing oxide materials and allows for doping or incorporating various elements into the nanomaterial. It's often used in tandem with other techniques for post-processing and refining the properties of the nanoparticles.

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Design Flexibility and Controlled Synthesis

Size, Shape, and Composition Control

Advanced deposition techniques, combined with traditional methods, provide an unparalleled ability to engineer nanoparticles with specific sizes, shapes, and compositions. This is crucial for optimizing their catalytic activity and selectivity.

Surface Modification and Functionalization

Techniques like plasma and laser beam deposition can be used to modify the surface properties of nanoparticles, enhancing their interaction with reactants and increasing their efficiency in catalysis.

Scalability and Reproducibility

One of the challenges in nanoparticle synthesis is maintaining consistency and scalability. These advanced methods are continuously being refined to ensure that nanoparticles can be produced reliably on a larger scale for industrial applications.

Quanto Nano

Research and Innovation Focus at Quanto Nano

Our relentless pursuit of innovation in nano enhanced catalysts involves:
Sustainable Solutions

Focusing on eco-friendly processes.

Customized Catalyst Development

Tailoring innovative catalysts for industry-specific challenges.


Partnering with leading institutions to advance nanocatalysis.

Quanto Nano

Advanced Properties, Optimizations and Behaviors

Nanoparticles can withstand harsh conditions, making them more durable. Send Inquiry
Nanoparticles, especially when supported on suitable materials, resist sintering (clumping together) at high temperatures, a common issue with conventional catalysts. This maintains their high surface area over time. Send Inquiry
Many nanomaterials show excellent resistance to corrosion and chemical degradation, even in aggressive chemical environments, which is crucial for their longevity in industrial processes. Send Inquiry
At the nanoscale, quantum effects can enhance catalytic activity. Send Inquiry
As the size of semiconductor nanoparticles decreases, their band gap can be tuned, altering their optical and electronic properties. This is crucial for photocatalytic applications where light absorption is key. Send Inquiry
Smaller nanoparticles exhibit quantum confinement, where their energy levels become discrete rather than continuous. This affects their reactivity and can be harnessed for specific catalytic processes. Send Inquiry
Modifying the electronic properties of nanoparticles can lead to more effective catalysts. Send Inquiry
By modifying the surface charge of nanoparticles, one can influence the adsorption of reactants and the rate of catalytic reactions. Send Inquiry
Introducing impurities or 'dopants' into nanomaterials can dramatically change their electronic and catalytic properties, enhancing their performance in specific reactions. Send Inquiry
Nanocatalysts with magnetic properties, like iron oxide nanoparticles, can be easily separated from reaction mixtures using magnetic fields, simplifying the catalyst recovery process and reducing waste and promoting circularity. Send Inquiry
Some reactions can be enhanced or directed using external magnetic fields, which interact with the magnetic nanoparticles. Send Inquiry
Nanoparticles can develop 'hot spots', areas of particularly high reactivity, which can significantly enhance the rate of catalytic reactions. Send Inquiry
In metallic nanoparticles like gold and silver, surface plasmons can be excited by light, leading to localized heating and enhanced catalytic activity in those regions. Send Inquiry

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Bimetallic Nanoparticles

Combining two different metals at the nanoscale often results in synergistic effects, where the catalytic properties of the composite are superior to those of the individual metals.

Heterogeneous Catalysts

Designing nanoparticles with multiple active sites for different reactions can lead to catalysts capable of facilitating multiple reaction steps in sequence.

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Responsive Behavior

pH-Responsive Materials

Certain nanomaterials can change their catalytic behavior based on the pH of the environment, offering smart control over reaction pathways.

Thermo-Responsive Catalysts

Some nanoparticles can alter their catalytic activity in response to temperature changes, useful in processes requiring temperature control.


Nano enhanced catalysts with their diverse range of nanomaterials and combinations, represent a paradigm shift and a significant advancement in catalytic technology, offering unparalleled benefits in terms of efficiency, selectivity, and sustainability. At Quanto Nano, we are at the forefront of this exciting field, developing innovative solutions that are set to transform industries and contribute to a more sustainable future. Our commitment to research and development in this area underlines our dedication to support leading companies with our nanotechnology and their in nanotechnology and its applications.

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