Quanto Nano

Colloidal Systems

Quanto Nano

Innovation in Colloidal Systems and Nano Material Dispersions

At Quanto Nano, we specialize in the cutting-edge field of colloidal systems and dispersions of nano materials. Our technology harnesses the unique properties of nanoparticles, creating solutions that are transforming a range of industries and applications.

Colloidal Systems: Definition and Characteristics

Colloidal systems, in the context of chemistry and physics, are mixtures where one substance (the dispersed phase) is finely distributed within another substance (the continuous phase). The particles in the dispersed phase are larger than molecules but small enough to remain suspended in the continuous medium. These particles typically range in size from 1 nanometer to 100 nanometer, in some cases up to 1 micron.

Quanto Nano

Key Features of Colloidal Systems

Colloidal particles are intermediate in size between those in solutions and suspensions. The nanoparticles in these colloids typically range from 1 to 100 nanometers, allowing for more surface area and interaction at the molecular level. Send Inquiry
The particles in a colloid are stable and don't settle out quickly under the influence of gravity. This stability often results from the particles being electrically charged, repelling each other and thus remaining dispersed. The small size and often surface-modified nanoparticles exhibit enhanced stability in the colloidal state, resisting sedimentation and aggregation. Send Inquiry
While colloids are heterogeneous mixtures, their particles are too small to be seen individually by the naked eye. Send Inquiry
Through nanoscale engineering, these particles can be designed to provide specific properties or behaviors in response to external stimuli. Send Inquiry
The high surface-to-volume ratio of nanoparticles increases the reactivity and efficiency of colloidal systems. Send Inquiry

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Properties & Behaviour

Colloidal particles exhibit random, eratic zigzag movements known as Brownian motion, contributing to their stability to maintain dispersion. Send Inquiry
Colloids can scatter light, a phenomenon known as the Tyndall effect, which can make the colloidal mixture appear cloudy or opaque, where a beam of light becomes visible as it passes through a colloidal dispersion. Send Inquiry
Colloidal systems often have higher viscosity than the continuous phase alone due to the presence of dispersed particles. Send Inquiry
Some nanoenhanced colloids are designed to react to environmental changes. And respond to changes in pH, temperature, or electromagnetic fields, enabling smart and adaptive materials. Send Inquiry
At the nanoscale, quantum mechanical effects can become significant, leading to unique electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. Send Inquiry

Quanto Nano

Types of Colloidal Systems

Composite Materials for Supercapacitors and Ultracapacitors

Solid particles in a liquid (e.g., ink).


Liquid droplets in another liquid (e.g., milk).


Gas bubbles in a liquid (e.g., whipped cream) or solid.


Liquid or solid particles in a gas (e.g., fog, smoke).

Quanto Nano

Formation and Stabilization

Dispersion Methods

Colloids can be formed by reducing the size of larger particles or aggregating smaller ones. Methods include grinding, emulsification, and condensation. Mechanical methods (e.g., milling, homogenization) or chemical methods (e.g., precipitation) can be used to disperse particles in the medium.

Nanoparticle production

Our proprietary top-down production Methods overcome typical limitations of other methods such as chemical reduction, sol-gel processes, or electrochemical techniques, enabling the production of nanoparticles with precise characteristics and constant quality without chemicals and lowest energy consumption.

Stabilization Techniques

Surface modification of nanoparticles with ligands, polymers, or surfactants can improve dispersion and stability within the medium. To prevent coagulation, clumping, settling or precipitation, stabilizing agents like surfactants may be added. Electrostatic or steric stabilization are also common methods.

Quanto Nano

The Science Behind Our Colloidal Systems

Colloidal systems consist of nanoparticles dispersed within a medium, where they remain evenly distributed without settling or aggregating. This stability is achieved through the careful manipulation of particle size, distribution, and interaction with the surrounding medium.
Our colloidal systems feature nanoparticles that significantly enhance performance, stability, and functionality.

Key Features:

Uniform Dispersion

Ensures consistent properties and performance.

Ultrafine & Controlled Particle Size

Tailored nanostructures for specific applications. Ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers for increased surface area and interaction.

Surface Modification

Enhanced interaction with the medium for stability and functionality.

Benefits of Quanto Nano's Colloidal Systems

The high surface area of nanoparticles provides greater reactivity and interaction with their environment, as well as better stability in dispersion. Send Inquiry
Enhances strength, durability, and functionality of materials. Send Inquiry
Ability to tailor properties for specific industrial needs. Engineered nanoparticles for specific responses and behaviors. Send Inquiry
Focus on sustainable and environmentally responsible products. Send Inquiry
Improved performance in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Send Inquiry
Higher energy storage and conversion capabilities. Send Inquiry
Sustainable applications in environmental remediation. Send Inquiry
Advanced materials for the electronics industry. Send Inquiry
Long-lasting and protective surface applications. Send Inquiry
Improved delivery systems for nutrients and pesticides. Send Inquiry
Functional and protective clothing materials. Send Inquiry

Quanto Nano

Diverse Applications of Our Nano Material Dispersions

Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

Targeted drug delivery, improved diagnostic techniques, and advanced therapeutic solutions, systems utilizing nanoparticles for effective treatment with minimal side effects.

Cosmetics and Personal Care

Enhanced penetration, absorption, stability, and efficacy in skincare and cosmetic products through nano-sized particles.

Energy Storage and Conversion

Improved efficiency in batteries, fuel cells, and solar cells. In batteries and supercapacitors, nanoenhanced colloids contribute to improved energy capacity and charging rates.

Coatings and Paints

Advanced protective coatings with unique properties like self-cleaning, anti-corrosion, and UV protection.

Electronics and Optics

Miniaturization and enhancement of electronic components, improved optical devices. Used in the development of advanced display technologies and photonic devices due to their unique optical properties.


Nanoparticle colloids act as catalysts in chemical reactions, offering high surface area and active sites.

Environmental Applications

Pollution control, water purification, and sustainable materials. Nanoparticles in colloids for water and air purification, offering high efficiency in contaminant removal.

Quanto Nano

Examples of Nanomaterial Colloidal Systems

The examples below illustrate the diverse and innovative applications of nanomaterial colloidal systems across various industries, thanks to the unique properties of nanoparticles. Colloidal systems have diverse applications in various fields such as medicine (drug delivery systems), food (thickeners and emulsifiers), cosmetics (lotions and creams), and industrial products (paints, inks), but also in energy storage and solar cells.
The key benefits of these systems include enhanced efficiency, targeted functionality, improved stability, and often, increased sustainability. As nanotechnology continues to evolve, the potential applications and benefits of these colloidal systems are expected to expand further.
  • Targeted Drug Delivery: Nanoparticles like liposomes or dendrimers can be used to deliver drugs precisely to the affected area, reducing side effects.
  • Diagnostic Agents: Gold and silver nanoparticles in colloids can enhance imaging quality in diagnostic procedures like MRI and CT scans.
  • Wound Healing: Silver nanoparticle colloids are used in wound dressings for their antimicrobial properties.
  • Gold and Silver Nanoparticles: For targeted drug delivery and enhanced imaging.
  • Liposomes and Dendrimers: Used in controlled drug release systems.
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  • Sunscreen Formulations: Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles provide effective UV protection while remaining transparent on the skin.
  • Anti-Aging Products: Nanoparticles in creams and lotions can deliver active ingredients like vitamins or retinoids more effectively into the skin.
  • Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles: In sunscreens for UV protection.
  • Nano-Emulsions: For improved skin penetration in anti-aging products.
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  • Batteries and Supercapacitors: Nanoparticle colloids made from materials like graphene or silicon can increase the energy density and charging speed.
  • Solar Cells: Quantum dots and other nanoparticles can be used in solar cells to improve their efficiency and light absorption capabilities.
  • Graphene and Silicon Nanoparticles: In batteries and supercapacitors for increased energy density.
  • Quantum Dots: Enhancing solar cell efficiency.
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  • Water Purification: Nanoparticles like titanium dioxide can degrade organic pollutants in water under UV light.
  • Air Purification: Colloidal nanoparticles can be used in filters to capture and neutralize pollutants more effectively.
  • Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles: For photocatalytic water purification.
  • Magnetic Nanoparticles: In air purification systems for pollutant capture.
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  • Conductive Inks: Silver nanoparticle colloids are used in conductive inks for printed electronics due to their high conductivity.
  • Display Technologies: Quantum dots are used in display technologies for their color purity and energy efficiency.
  • Silver Nanoparticles: In conductive inks for printed electronics.
  • Quantum Dots: For color purity in display technologies.
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  • Self-Cleaning Surfaces: Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in coatings can break down organic dirt under sunlight.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Nanoparticle colloids can be added to paints for enhanced corrosion resistance in metals.
  • Silica Nanoparticles: For durable and self-cleaning coatings.
  • Nanocomposite Coatings: Providing corrosion resistance and thermal insulation.
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  • Chemical Reactions: Metallic nanoparticles like palladium or platinum are used as catalysts to increase the efficiency of chemical reactions.
  • Metallic Nanoparticles (Pd, Pt, Au): For various chemical reactions and catalytic converters.
  • Bimetallic Nanoparticles: Offering synergistic effects in catalytic processes.
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  • Food Packaging: Nanoparticle colloids can be used in packaging materials to improve barrier properties or provide antimicrobial functions.
  • Agricultural Formulations: Nanoparticles can enhance the effectiveness of pesticides or fertilizers.
  • Nano-Encapsulated Nutrients: For enhanced food packaging and preservation.
  • Nanopesticides: For more effective and controlled release in agriculture.
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  • Antimicrobial and UV Protective Clothing: Silver or zinc oxide nanoparticles in textile coatings provide antimicrobial and UV protective properties.
  • Silver Nanoparticles: For antimicrobial and UV protective properties in fabrics.
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Contrast Agents in MRI: Iron oxide nanoparticles are used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. Send Inquiry

Quanto Nano's Commitment to Research and Innovation

At Quanto Nano, we are committed to ongoing research and development in colloidal systems and nano material dispersions. Our team of experts collaborates with industry leaders to push the boundaries of technology, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of innovation.

Our Focus:

Advanced Research Facilities

State-of-the-art laboratories and testing facilities.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Working with academic and industrial partners for mutual advancement.

Sustainable Practices

Developing processes and products that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.


Colloidal systems play a crucial role in many scientific and industrial applications. Understanding their properties and behavior is essential in designing and utilizing these systems effectively. The ability to manipulate particle size, distribution, and interaction within the medium opens up a vast array of possibilities across multiple disciplines.
Quanto Nano’s nanoenhanced colloidal systems, with their comprehensive range of nanomaterials and combinations, offer transformative solutions across a multitude of industries. From healthcare to energy, environmental sustainability to advanced materials, our colloidal systems set new standards in efficiency, functionality, and sustainability. As a leader in nanotechnology, Quanto Nano is dedicated to exploring the limitless potential of nanoenhanced colloids, paving the way for innovative and sustainable technological advancements.

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