Nano Materials

Ionic Liquids & Electrolytes

Here we like to explore the fascinating world of ionic liquids and nano electrolytes, materials at the forefront of technological innovation. These substances represent a significant breakthrough in various applications ranging from energy storage to environmental sustainability. Our focus here is to provide in-depth insights into how these advanced materials are reshaping industries, enhancing efficiency, and contributing to the development of next-generation technologies. Whether you’re a researcher, industry professional, or simply curious about the latest advancements in material science, this section will guide you through the diverse applications and transformative potential of ionic liquids and electrolytes. Join us in discovering how these remarkable materials have the potential of setting new standards in scientific and technological progress.

Quanto Nano

Ionic Liquids

These nanoparticles functionalized with ionic liquids offer enhanced catalytic properties, stability, and solubility, making them suitable for chemical synthesis, environmental remediation, and drug delivery systems.
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Stable colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles in ionic liquids. They exhibit enhanced thermal and electrical conductivity, making them useful in heat transfer applications and in electrochemical devices like batteries and supercapacitors.
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Combining ionic liquids with Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) enhances the electrical conductivity and thermal stability of the composite. These are used in energy storage, sensors, and as advanced materials in electronics.
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These composites leverage the high surface area of graphene and the ionic conductivity of ionic liquids. They are used in energy storage devices, electrochemical sensors, and in creating advanced conductive materials.
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This composite combines the properties of ionic liquids with polymers, resulting in materials suitable for use in fuel cells, batteries, and smart membranes. They offer improved ionic conductivity, mechanical strength, and thermal stability.
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These composites enhance catalytic activities and thermal stability, making them suitable for catalysis, sensors, and in electrochemical applications.
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Integrating ionic liquids with MOFs can enhance gas absorption capabilities, making them suitable for gas storage, separation, and catalysis. This combination leverages the porosity of MOFs and the ionic nature of the liquids for efficient gas handling.
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Nano Electrolytes

These are used in solid-state batteries, offering high ionic conductivity and safety compared to liquid electrolytes. They are key in developing advanced battery technologies.
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These electrolytes combine polymer matrices with nano-sized fillers to improve ionic conductivity and mechanical properties. They are used in various solid-state battery applications.
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Gel-based electrolytes enhanced with nanomaterials improve ionic conductivity and thermal stability. They are used in lithium-ion batteries, providing a balance between liquid and solid electrolytes.
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These combine the high ionic conductivity of ionic liquids with the stability and safety of nanostructured materials. They are used in high-performance batteries and supercapacitors.
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Utilizing ceramic materials like zirconia or alumina spun into nanofibers, these electrolytes offer high thermal and chemical stability. They are suitable for high-temperature fuel cells and batteries.
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In proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), nanoparticles like platinum or palladium enhance the catalytic efficiency and durability of the electrolyte membrane.
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These electrolytes are designed to handle the unique challenges of lithium-sulfur batteries, offering improved cycle life and efficiency.
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Used in solar cells, quantum dots are incorporated into the electrolyte to improve light-harvesting efficiency and overall performance. They offer a promising avenue in advanced photovoltaic technologies.
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Solid State Electrolytes

Solid-state electrolytes are an emerging technology promising higher safety and energy density than traditional lithium-ion batteries with liquid electrolytes.
  1. Polymer-Based Electrolytes: Include polyethylene oxide (PEO) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN); flexible and easily fabricated but typically require higher operating temperatures.
  2. Oxide-Based Electrolytes: Include lithium lanthanum zirconate (LLZO) and lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON); offer high ionic conductivity and good chemical stability.
  3. Sulfide-Based Electrolytes: Include lithium thiophosphate (LPS) and glass-ceramic electrolytes; have high ionic conductivity at room temperature.
  4. Hybrid Electrolytes: Combine polymers and ceramics; provide good conductivity and mechanical stability.

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  1. Li6PS5Cl (Sulfide-based Solid Electrolyte): Known for its high ionic conductivity and compatibility with lithium metal anodes, crucial for solid-state batteries.
  2. Lithium Phosphorus Oxynitride (LiPON): A benchmark in solid electrolytes known for its excellent electrochemical stability.
  3. Li10GeP2S12 (Sulfide-based Electrolyte): Shows promise for enabling high-energy-density solid-state batteries.
  4. Garnet-type Electrolytes (e.g., Li7La3Zr2O12): Known for their high conductivity and stability with lithium metal.
  5. NASICON-type Electrolytes (e.g., Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3): Characterized by high ionic conductivity and stability.

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Nanostructured Electrolytes: While not a traditional active material, nanostructuring of solid electrolytes (like LLZO, LiPON) is critical for improving the performance of solid-state batteries


LiPON (Lithium Phosphorus Oxynitride): A thin-film electrolyte known for its excellent electrochemical stability and good ionic conductivity. It's widely used in thin-film battery technologies and is a benchmark in solid electrolytes.

Thio-LISICON (Lithium Super Ionic Conductor): These are sulfide-based electrolytes with a structure that allows high lithium-ion mobility. They're similar to the Li10GeP2S12 you mentioned but offer variations in composition for tailored properties.

Li-rich Anti-Perovskites: These materials, like Li3OCl, are gaining attention for their high ionic conductivity and stability. Their unique structure allows for fast lithium-ion transport, which is crucial for high-performance batteries.

Hybrid Solid Electrolytes: These are composites that combine polymers and ceramics, aiming to leverage the flexibility and processability of polymers with the conductivity and stability of ceramics. They can show enhanced mechanical properties and ionic conductivities.

Glassy Electrolytes: Glass-based electrolytes like Li2S-P2S5 have been explored for their high ionic conductivities and wide electrochemical windows. Their amorphous nature can also contribute to improved interface stability with electrodes.

Polymer Electrolytes: While not nano-structured, polymers like PEO (Polyethylene Oxide) with lithium salts can be engineered at the nano-scale for improved ionic conductivity and mechanical properties.

Oxide-based Electrolytes: Beyond garnet-type, there are other oxide-based electrolytes like Li14Zn(GeO4)4 and Li1+x+yAlx(Ti,Ge)y(PO4)3 that offer interesting properties in terms of stability and ionic conductivity.

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Ionic liquids and nano electrolytes are pivotal in enhancing the efficiency of various technologies, particularly in the fields of energy storage and electronic devices. Their unique properties like improved thermal and electrical conductivity, and enhanced ionic conductivity, are essential in advancing the performance and safety of batteries, fuel cells, and other electrochemical devices. The ongoing research and development in this area by Quanto Nano continues to open new avenues for future technological innovations.

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