Nano Materials

Metal Oxides

Quanto Nano

Metal Oxides

Widely used in electronics as an insulator and in the production of glass. Nano SiO2 is employed in coatings, plastics, and as a strengthening filler in various materials.
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Utilized in sunscreens, paints, and as a catalyst. Nano ZnO is effective in UV protection, antibacterial coatings, and in environmental remediation.
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Employed in photocatalysis, sunscreens, and as a pigment. Nano TiO2 increases its effectiveness in blocking UV rays and in catalyzing reactions to break down pollutants.
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Used in magnetic applications and as a pigment. Nano Fe3O4 is significant in magnetic storage media, biomedical imaging, and targeted drug delivery.
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Applied in ceramics, abrasives, and as a catalyst support. Nano Al2O3 is utilized for its hardness and thermal stability in various industrial applications.
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Used in ceramics and as a pigment. Nano CuO has applications in catalysis, electronics, and as an antimicrobial agent.
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With a high melting point, it's used in refractory materials for furnaces. Nano MgO is utilized in fire retardants, paints, and as a catalyst.
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Useful in glass and ceramic production, and in certain types of batteries. Nano NiO enhances the performance of electrochemical cells and sensors.
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Also known as red lead, used in paint and as a rust inhibitor. Nano Pb3O4 is explored for its use in electronic and optoelectronic applications.
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Often used in the glass and ceramic industries for its coloring properties. Nano CoO is explored in electronic, magnetic, and catalytic applications.

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A very hard substance used as an abrasive and in green pigments. Nano Cr2O3 is utilized in coatings, ceramics, and as a catalyst.
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Used in dry-cell batteries. Nano MnO2 enhances the performance of supercapacitors and as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.

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Critical in catalysis and also used in sensors and batteries. Nano V2O5 exhibits enhanced catalytic and electrochemical properties.
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Known as zirconia, it's used in ceramic knives and dental crowns due to its high resistance to fracture. Nano ZrO2 offers enhanced mechanical properties and thermal stability.
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Its nano form is used in photocatalysis, sunscreens, and as a pigment, with increased effectiveness in environmental and personal care applications.
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In battery technology, particularly for lithium-ion batteries, nano Li2O can enhance battery life and performance.
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Utilized in catalysis and fuel additives. Effective in reducing vehicle emissions and in polishing materials in semiconductor manufacturing.
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Applied in magnetic storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. Exhibits unique magnetic properties useful in MRI contrast agents and targeted therapies.
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Used in supercapacitors and as a catalyst. Its nano form enhances electrical conductivity and catalytic activity.
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Applied in energy storage, pigments, and catalysis. Nano cobalt oxide has significant electrochemical properties for battery applications.
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Nano metal oxides, with their unique physical and chemical properties at the nanoscale, are essential in a wide range of applications, from environmental remediation and energy storage to electronics and healthcare. These materials offer enhanced performance in catalysis, magnetic applications, and as components in advanced technological devices, playing a crucial role in the development of innovative solutions across various sectors.

Quanto Nano


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