Nano Materials


Quanto Nano


A widely used nanoclay with a layered silicate structure. Montmorillonite is employed in polymer nanocomposites to enhance mechanical and thermal properties. It's also used in water purification and as a soil conditioner due to its high cation exchange capacity. Send Inquiry
A layered silicate mineral, kaolinite is used in ceramics, paper production, and as a filler in plastics and paints. At the nano scale, it improves the strength and durability of materials and is used in controlled drug release. Send Inquiry
Composed primarily of montmorillonite, bentonite is used in drilling fluids, as a binder in foundry applications, and in geotechnical engineering. Its swelling property makes it useful in sealing and environmental barrier applications. Send Inquiry
A naturally occurring nanotubular clay, halloysite is used in polymers to improve mechanical properties, in controlled drug delivery systems, and in the production of advanced ceramics due to its unique tubular structure. Send Inquiry
Similar to montmorillonite, illite is used in ceramics, agriculture, and as a pollutant adsorbent. It's valued for its ability to improve soil quality and in environmental remediation. Send Inquiry
Employed in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals for its swelling properties and in nanocomposites for its rheological properties. Hectorite improves the viscosity and texture of cosmetic products and is used in drug delivery systems. Send Inquiry
Known for its high absorption capacity, attapulgite is used in cat litter, oil drilling, and as a thickening agent. It's also employed in the medical field as an anti-diarrheal agent. Send Inquiry
Used in industrial applications for its high surface area and porosity, particularly in adsorption and catalysis. Sepiolite is effective in removing pollutants from air and water and is used in lightweight construction materials. Send Inquiry
Known as Teflon, used in non-stick coatings and high-performance applications. Nano PTFE is used for its enhanced lubrication properties and chemical resistance. Send Inquiry


Nanoclays, with their diverse structures and properties, play a significant role in various industrial and environmental applications. From enhancing the mechanical and thermal properties of composites to use in water purification, drug delivery, and cosmetics, these nano-sized minerals offer improved efficiency and functionality in a wide range of applications. Their high surface area, porosity, and unique physical and chemical properties make them indispensable in advancing material technologies and environmental solutions.

Quanto Nano


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